Caspio Review- World’s best cloud based software builder without coding - Softwares Forever

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Caspio Review- World’s best cloud based software builder without coding

Caspio Review

  • Do you have an idea in your mind that needs proper execution?
  • Are you feeling clueless since you do not have the sufficient resource and technological expertise to develop the software?
  • Is time and budget constraint the real reason for your incomplete projects?
  • Are you blindly depending on various software products and services just to fulfill the different parts of your single project?
  • Are you in constant search of something that will give you the required knowledge and expertise to complete your project so that you can considerably reduce your dependency on various unwanted factors that is stopping your project from getting completed?

Find answers to these questions with Caspio- a user friendly and an undivided platform that enables you to build applications you need to fit your requirements accurately all within a highly protected and scalable cloud environment. Catering to over 12000 plus customers in 150 plus countries, Caspio prides over building software applications that does not require any specific coding expertise or experience.

Let’s scan around and dig in to find out more about Caspio, their features and benefits.

The major highlight of Caspio is that you do not have to rely on the traditional software development functions to complete your project tasks Caspio is one of the most protected and dependable data storage facilities for its users. Strongly supported by Microsoft SQL server, Caspio provides a trustworthy database for the users to upload their data and also make relevant changes with their available tools.

Caspio Features

Visual Application Builder

Do not worry if you have no experience in coding or do not possess any development skills as you can create online database applications easily and confidently with Caspio.


Well,Caspio provides a step-by-step wizard to guide you through the development of every part of your application with simple and comprehensive instructions. This will define your space to complete your project at your own terms. The Caspio Visual Application Builder showcases the following characteristics

  • Point and Click feature
  • Complete set of tools required to create, deploy and operate your application
  • Expert Support and Consulting
  • Continuous updation and firm guarantee on its performance
  • The Caspio features are designed to match any kind of business and budget

Interactive Reports and Data Publishing

Stuck in the middle of Spreadsheets and data and trying to find the right way to showcase it to the public? Well, the Interactive Reports and Data Publishing feature of Caspio will help convert your spreadsheets into rich, communicative, and crisp web reports that are duly qualified to be published online.

Moreover, these reports can be accessed from anywhere by the public or authorized users. The Interactive Reports and Data publishing displays the following components

  • Real –Time Web Reports
  • Paging, Sorting and Downloading facility
  • Data Drill Down feature
  • Visualization and Dynamic Reporting
  • Several Layout options
  • Changeable and Updatable Data
  • Option to password protect the data or display the data without any password
  • Data Harvesting Prevention
  • Search Engine Optimized Deployment
  • Pivot Table Reports

Online Forms

Simplify your business process complexity with the custom database driven forms created by Caspio. These forms are highly resourceful, handy, filled with rich features and support all possible data and field types.  

The Online Forms features the following elements

  • Several options to choose from as the next step for your user
  • Automatic Emails
  • Web and Mobile Forms
  • Styling Layouts and Usability
  • Smart and Dynamic Capabilities
  • Public or Password Protected

Built-in Cloud Database

Caspio offers the entire package required for creating and operating business applications from the core level. This means that Caspio also gives you the database facility that is ideally the foundation stone for building any kind of business application. The Caspio database technology is highly secured, powerful and completely dependable.

The different components of the Caspio database are

  • It is built on Microsoft SQL Server
  • Rich Data Types
  • Referential Data Integrity
  • High Scale Performance
  • Import and Export facility on demand
  • REST (Representational State Transfer) and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) APIs

User Management

Caspio provides  a built-in automation technology and flexible customization feature that enhances its user management abilities to a great extent. This user management ability of Caspio application is available to everyone irrespective of the number of people using the tool.

Following are the different facets of Caspio’s User Management features

  • Not confined to limited number of app users
  • Powerful and Flexible User Authentication
  • Role-Based Permission
  • Self-Serve User Management
  • Login with ID Services
  • SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)Single Sign-on

Application Modules

The Application Modules of

The Application Modules of Caspio are characterized by the following components

  • Revision History, Copying and sharing capability
  • User Access Logs
  • Scheduled Import and Export facility
  • Data Update
  • Built-in File Caching CDN (Content Delivery Network)
  • Global Data Centers
  • Localization
  • Different Styles
  • Image Resizer facility
  • Geocoding

Deployment Options

Caspio gives you a wide range of options to deploy the applications and there are no restrictions on the device or location where you can deploy the Caspio applications. The applications will function on any website, CMS portal or directly from Caspio itself.

The Deployment options of Caspio displays the following elements

  • Embed Method
  • WordPress Plugin
  • Facebook Deployment
  • SharePoint Deployment
  • Frame and iFrame
  • Direct Links
  • SEO Method

Integration and Extendibility

Caspio’s association with many other services and internal systems extends the value of your database application to a whole new level. Caspio also has an inbuilt integration with many products and services and you also have the option to customize Caspio’s association with many highly recognized methods.

This feature of Caspio exhibits the following characteristics

  • DataHub Scheduled Tasks
  • ID Services and Single Sign-on
  • Amazon CloudFront
  • Caspio Plugin for Microsoft Office
  • Caspio Pluginfor WordPress
  • Query String URL Parameters
  • JavaScript
  • Zapier Integration

Security and Reliability

The whole Infrastructure, Internal Policies and the Employee Training process strongly defines the Security and the Reliability feature of Caspio.

The different sides of this particular feature is

  • Security at Every level
  • AWS Security Leadership
  • Password Protection Facility
  • IP Blocking
  • Record Level Security
  • Live System Health
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  • Account Security Policy

Standards and Compliance

The stringent industry standards and the compliance policies define the entire structure of

The Standards and Compliance feature are shown through the following components of Caspio

  • Uses Microsoft SQL server
  • Runs on Amazon Web Services
  • HIPAA Compliant
  • Section 508 Compliant
  • PCI Compliant
  • SOC  3 and ISO 27001 Certified

caspio review-words best database app developer

Caspio Solutions for Various Industries

Caspio has designed solutions and services for a large number of industries beyond imagination. Some of the industries who are enjoying the strong and unerring solutions of Caspio are the   

Healthcare Industry - The Healthcare Industry depends on Caspio to develop a low profile platform to frame HIPAA compliant records without any coding experience or development skills.

Government Organizations - Caspio tools and features are working hand in hand with the Government organizations to elevate them to a whole new world of Digital Transformation. 

Energy Business- Caspio is strongly working towards preparing the Energy business to face the hard hits of fuel and capital inefficiency. 

Educational Institutions - Caspio plays a major role in organizing and streamlining the operations and data management functions of many prestigious universities and educational institutions.

Consulting Firms - The development application tool of Caspio ensures to aid and assist the Consulting firms to build strong relationships, provide first-hand solutions and help them focus on their high-value activities.

Media Business- Caspio holds a strong rapport with the Media Business and help them reach out to a wider audience through digitally transformed information and other value driven engagement activities

Non-Profit Organizations- The NGO’s use the different elements of Caspio to organize their funds and resources and to monitor and supervise their operations, finance and overall management

Caspio Support

Free Online Training

The Caspio Support functionalities are not simply confined to providing the clichéd customer support or just giving the much-needed solution to your problems or queries. In this matter, Caspio begs to differ from others by giving a full-fledged instructor-led training session to help you create your database application. These sessions are conducted multiple times per week and are open to everyone who would like to learn and experience the Caspio world. The sessions are held for one hour with time allotted for questions also. Also, there are no restrictions on the number of times you want to attend each session.

Online Help

The Caspio Online Help comes through Video Tutorials, Release Notes, Live Chat support and Skype support.

Additional Support Resources

The additional support resources of Caspio are the Professional Services, Community Forums, Blogs and Social Media support through platforms like Twitter etc.

Caspio Pricing Plans

The Caspio Pricing plans are offered as

Free Plan - Free of Cost with limited features that cannot be customized

Explore Plan - This Caspio plan is priced at Rs 7500/month on a monthly plan and Rs 6000/month on an Annual plan. The Explore plan helps you get started with Caspio. 

Build Plan - The Build Plan is priced at Rs 15000/month on a monthly plan and Rs 12000/month on an Yearly plan. This plan of Caspio provides you with features to help you build powerful and highly efficient applications.

Grow Plan - the Grow Plan of Caspio is priced at Rs 30,000/month on a monthly plan and Rs 24000 on an Annual plan. This plan of Caspio displays the advanced functionality feature that helps your business to scale up.

Corporate Plan- The Corporate Plan pricing is available only on request. This plan will help you identify the enterprise capabilities and will help with the SLA performance levels of the company. 

Final Thoughts

Caspio is a unique cloud based software tool that not only helps you develop database applications, but also empowers you with the passion and interest to learn more about Deploying, Operating and Maintaining the database applications.  The different tools and features of Caspio ensures to give a whole new meaning to your business and definitely assures to boost your knowledge, expertise and experience in the field of Software and Cloud based applications.

Open the Caspio Book, Read it, Understand it, Execute it to reach a New Level of Achievement!

caspio review- visit caspio website

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